
Comment Letter

Coalition Letter to the European Commission and OECD on COVID-19-Related Tax Treaty Challenges (pdf)

News Release

Retirement Savers Maintain Commitment Despite COVID-19 Economic Downturn

Retirement Savers Maintain Commitment Despite COVID-19 Economic Downturn Recordkeeper data covering...
ICI Viewpoints

2020 Investment Company Fact Book: Letter from the Chief Economist

A version of this letter by ICI Chief Economist Sean Collins was released in the Institute’s 60th...
ICI Viewpoints

2020 Investment Company Fact Book: Letter from the President and CEO

This ICI Viewpoints is a version of a letter from ICI President and CEO Paul Schott Stevens that was...
ICI Viewpoints

Regulated Funds: Supporting the Economy During the COVID-19 Crisis

In a recent call with the Financial Stability Board, ICI President and CEO Paul Schott Stevens...
News Release

ICI Statement on Enactment of COVID-19 Relief Package

Paul Schott Stevens, president and CEO of the Investment Company Institute, issued the following...
ICI Viewpoints

Working to Ensure Funds Can Maintain Vital Services

Key personnel of mutual fund sponsors and service providers should be deemed “essential workers” and...
Comment Letter

Joint Statement on Keeping European Markets Open (pdf)

ICI Viewpoints

During COVID-19 Crisis, Fund Company Staff Are Essential

As governments consider extending orders to “shelter in place,” they must include staff of fund...