
Comment Letter

Regulated Fund Industry Coalition Letter on Concession Tax Rate in India

The undersigned fund industry associations, on behalf of their regulated fund members, strongly urge...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to ESMA Consultation Paper on Guidelines on Funds’ Names Using ESG or Sustainabi...

ICI Global appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Securities and Markets...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Letter to the Australian Treasury Consultation on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure

The Investment Company Institute (ICI) and ICI Global appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Comment Letter to Japan FSA Consultation on Supervisory Guidelines for ESG Funds

ICI Global submitted the attached response to a consultation from Japan Financial Services Agency...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Comment Letter on FCA Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and Investment Labels

The Investment Company Institute (ICI) and ICI Global provided feedback on the Financial Conduct...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Letter to Indian Government on Indian 2023 Budget Tax Issues

ICI Global thanks the Indian Government for the opportunity to submit recommendations for the Indian...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to ESAs Call for Evidence on Better Understanding Greenwashing

ICI Global submitted a response to the online questionnaire for the ESAs Call for Evidence on Better...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on FSB’s Consultative Document on Achieving Greater Convergence in Cyber Incident...

ICI's response to the Financial Stability Board's (FSB) consultative document on Achieving Greater...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Comment Letter to the IOSCO Survey on Index Providers

On October 13, the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) released a survey on...