
Letters to the Editor & Responses

Europe Should Seek an Agreement with the Biden Administration on Minimum Standard for Corporate Non-...

On his first day in office, Joe Biden promises to bring the US back into the Paris Agreement on...
ICI Viewpoints

2020 Annual Report to Members: A Conversation with Paul Schott Stevens

Paul Schott Stevens, ICI’s longest-serving chief executive, retired at the end of 2020. As he neared...
ICI Viewpoints

2020 Annual Report to Members: A Letter to ICI’s Membership

2020 will go down in history as a year that none of us can ever forget. It was a year of turmoil...
Comment Letter

ICI Response to IFRS Foundation’s Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting (pdf)


Experiences of European Markets, UCITS, and European ETFs During the COVID-19 Crisis Summary (pdf) –...

News Release

ICI: UCITS Weathered COVID-19 Market Crisis Well

UCITS managers responded to challenges created by the COVID-19-related market turmoil in March by...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Comments Regarding Applying the Tax Measures in OECD's Blueprints for Pillars One and Two...

News Release

ICI Board Unanimously Calls for Enhanced ESG Disclosure by Corporate Issuers

Fund industry encourages companies to follow TCFD recommendations and SASB standards to help ensure...
ICI Viewpoints

Value Is in the Eye of the UCITS Holder

ICI research shows a steady decline in the cost of UCITS investing. European regulators are looking...