
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on EU Shareholder Rights, Voting Procedures Proposal, July 2005

July 15, 2005 Commissioner Charlie McCreevy European Commission DG Market F2 B-1049 Brussels Belgium...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on EU Shareholder Rights, Voting Procedures Proposal (pdf)

Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on CESR Revised Draft on the Transparency Directive, June 2005

May 26, 2005 Mr. Fabrice Demarigny Secretary General The Committee of European Securities Regulators...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on CESR Revised Draft on the Transparency Directive (pdf)

Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on IOSCO Anti-Money Laundering Report, May 2005

May 17, 2005 Philippe Richard IOSCO Secretary General Oquendo 12 28006 Madrid Spain Re: Public...
Comment Letter

Institute Letter to Congress on Central American Free Trade Agreement

May 2, 2005 The Honorable Roy Blunt Majority Whip H-329 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 RE: The...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter to Committee of European Securities Regulators (pdf)

Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter to Committee of European Securities Regulators, March 2005

Via E-mail and International Airmail March 3, 2005 Mr. Fabrice Demarigny Secretary General The...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter in Support of EU Efforts to Enhance Investors' Voting Rights (pdf)