
Comment Letter

ICI Comments on Clearing and Settlement Systems Among EU Member States (pdf)

News Release

ICI Comments on Proposed Amendments to MSRB Rules G-20 and G-8, July 2004

ICI Comments on Proposed Amendments to MSRB Rules G-20 and G-8 Amendments would strengthen...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Measures to Implement Transparency Directive Across the EU (pdf)

Comment Letter

Institute Supports Legislation Enhancing U.S. Funds' International Competitiveness, June 2004

June 9, 2004 The Honorable William M. Thomas Chairman Committee on Ways and Means United States...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Indian Regulations Governing Institutional Investors, March 2004

March 12, 2004 D. Chanda Chief General Manager Securities and Exchange Board of India Mittal Court...
Comment Letter

Comment Letter Urging China's Regulators to Open Securities Markets to All Investors (pdf)

Comment Letter

Institute Letter on Proposal Promoting Foreign Investment in U.S. Funds, August 2003

August 8, 2003 Chairman William Thomas Committee on Ways and Means United States House of...
Comment Letter

Comment Letter on EU Approach to Improving Shareholder Rights in Europe (pdf)

Comment Letter

Comment Letter on Barriers to Entry in Chinese Asset Management Industry, August 2003

Via Email August 7, 2003 Terry McCartin Director of Monitoring and Enforcement for China Office of...