
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: 529 Savings Plans

One thing you can expect when you’re expecting a baby is to pay a lot for diapers—you might pay...
ICI Viewpoints

For Funds' Use of Derivatives, a Promising New Regulatory Framework

In a promising new proposal on the use of derivatives, the SEC has consolidated cumbersome...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: Tax Benefits to Encourage Saving

To encourage people to save, federal and state governments offer special tax treatment for savings...
News Release

Vast Majority of Investors Consider Fees and Expenses When Selecting Mutual Funds

Vast Majority of Investors Consider Fees and Expenses When Selecting Mutual Funds Mutual Fund...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: The Benefits of Mutual Funds

We’ve reached the halfway point in this series, and we’ve covered a lot of ground: the benefits of...
News Release

Expense Ratios of Actively Managed and Index Funds Have Declined for More Than Two Decades

Expense Ratios of Actively Managed and Index Funds Have Declined for More Than Two Decades...
ICI Viewpoints

Mutual Fund Flows in the COVID-19 Crisis

The novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, is taking a heavy toll on the world economy—in lives, in...

Is Gen X the Forgotten Generation? on the Wine and Dime Podcast

You may hear a lot about the saving habits of Baby Boomers and Millennials, but what about...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: Dollar-Cost Averaging

Emotions are the enemy of successful investing. For long-term investors, dollar-cost averaging is a...