
News Release

ICI Statement on SEC Reporting of Securities Loans and Short Sale Disclosure Rulemaking

October 13, 2023—ICI General Counsel Susan Olson released the following statement regarding the...
News Release

ICI: SEC’s Conflicts Proposal Would Roll Back the Clock on Technological Advances That Benefit Main ...

October 11, 2023—ICI President and CEO Eric Pan released the following statement regarding the...
ICI Viewpoints

The SEC’s Multi-Rule Pileup

October 3, 2023—There’s a reason that stoplights don’t flash red, yellow and green at the same time...
News Release

ICI Statement on SEC Fund Names Rulemaking

September 20, 2023–ICI President and CEO Eric Pan released the following statement regarding the...
News Release

ICI to Gensler: Look at the Facts

September 14, 2023—ICI President and CEO Eric J. Pan issued the following statement regarding...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on the Need to Account for the Aggregated Impact of the Commission’s Rulemaking

ICI recently submitted this letter to the SEC noting that it has issued a wide range of...
Comment Letter

Joint Trades Comment Letter Extension Request on Conflicts of Interest Proposal

On behalf of our members, we request that the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”)...
Comment Letter

ICI Supplemental Letter on SEC Proposed ESG Disclosure for Funds and Advisers

The Investment Company Institute is writing to supplement our views on the Securities and Exchange...
News Release

ICI Statement on SEC Conflict of Interest Proposal

ICI released the following statement on a proposal from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)...