
Comment Letter

ICI Supplemental Comment Letter to SEC on ESG Fund Proposal

The Investment Company Institute (ICI) is writing to reiterate our concern with the prospect of the...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets

The Investment Company Institute fully agrees with the Commission’s goals to protect the integrity...
News Release

ICI: SEC’s Safeguarding Proposal Would Upend Decades of Established Practice

ICI President and CEO Eric Pan released the following statement regarding the Securities and...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on the SEC’s Tick Size and Access Fee Reduction Proposal

The Investment Company Institute (ICI) is writing to respond to the Securities and Exchange...
News Release

ICI: SEC Must Consider Changes to Market Structure Carefully

ICI President and CEO Eric Pan released the following statement after ICI submitted comments on the...
News Release

ICI: Mutual Funds Have Helped Middle Class Families Secure Their Financial Futures

ICI concluded its annual Investment Management Conference this week, after convening senior...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Request for Extension to the Comment Period for Safeguarding Advisory Client A...

The undersigned Associations, which together represent a significant portion of the financial...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Open-End Fund Liquidity Risk Management Programs and Swing Pricing

ICI submitted a comment letter to the SEC's on their proposal for liquidity, swing pricing, hard...
Comment Letter

IDC Comment Letter on Open-End Fund Liquidity Risk Management Programs and Swing Pricing

The Independent Directors Council submitted this comment letter to the SEC on their proposal to...