
Comment Letter

ICI and ICI Global Response to ANPRM on Data Security

ICI and ICI Global submitted a letter to the US Department of Justice on its advance notice of...
ICI Viewpoints

Electronic Delivery of Financial Information Is Way Overdue

From paying bills to ordering pizza, most people reach for an electronic device when they need...
ICI Viewpoints

Mutual Funds at 100: An Essential Part of America’s Economic Engine

Mutual funds and other registered investment funds direct trillions of dollars to their highest use...

The BrightScope/ICI Defined Contribution Plan Profile: A Close Look at ERISA 403(b) Plans, 2020 (pdf...

News Release

ISS MI BrightScope/ICI Report Reveals 403(b) Plan Sponsors Support Retirement Saving and Investing

Employers’ commitment to their 403(b) plan participants is evident in the report “The BrightScope...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Comment Letter on Transparency and Responsiveness of Initial Margin in Centrally Cleared ...

ICI Global comments on the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision, Committee on Payments and Market...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to European Commission Consultation on the White Paper on Outbound Investment

ICI Global provided feedback to the European Commission on its targeted consultation on the White...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Comment Letter on Recommendations for Initial and Variation Margin in Non-Centrally Clea...

ICI Global provides comments on the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision and International...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Comment Letter on Streamlining Variation Margin in Centrally Cleared Markets

ICI Global provides comments on the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures and...