Policy Priorities

Comment Letters

Comment Letter

ICI Submits Additional Comments on DOL's Proposed Amendments to the QPAM Exemption

The Investment Company Institute (ICI) writes to reiterate our significant concerns with the...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on NYDFS Industry Guidance Proposal

The Investment Company Institute (“ICI”) submitted this comment on the Industry Guidance (the...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on the SEC’s Tick Size and Access Fee Reduction Proposal

The Investment Company Institute (ICI) is writing to respond to the Securities and Exchange...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on SEC’s Best Execution and Order Competition Proposal

On March 31, 2023, ICI filed a comment letter on the SEC's proposals for Regulation Best Execution...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter to SEC on Re-Proposal Regarding ABS Conflicts of Interest

The Investment Company Institute appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Securities and...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Request for Extension to the Comment Period for Safeguarding Advisory Client A...

The undersigned Associations, which together represent a significant portion of the financial...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to FCA on Future Disclosure Framework

The Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) discussion paper on the Future Disclosure Framework seeks...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to Consultation on PRIIPS and UK Retail Disclosure

ICI Global recently submitted a comment letter in response to a consultation issued by HM Treasury...
Comment Letter

Regulated Fund Industry Coalition Letter on Concession Tax Rate in India

The undersigned fund industry associations, on behalf of their regulated fund members, strongly urge...