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401(k) Investors Benefit as Mutual Fund Fees Cut in Half

July 16, 2024—The latest research from the Investment Company Institute (ICI), “The Economics of...
News Release

Gen Z Saving for Retirement Earlier Than Generations Before Them

February 6, 2024—According to new research published by the Investment Company Institute (ICI), Gen...
News Release

BrightScope/ICI Data Show 401(k) Plans Offering Wide Array of Diversified and Cost-Effective Investm...

September 28, 2023—Employers play a significant role in designing diverse investment lineups in 401...
News Release

ICI Applauds Passage of the SECURE 2.0 Act

ICI thanks the members of the House and Senate for their commitment to Americans’ retirement...
News Release

Retirement Savers Stick With the Stock Market

Americans using defined contribution (DC) plans to save for retirement stayed the course in the...
News Release

EBRI/ICI Study Shows 401(k) Participants’ Asset Allocations Favor Investment in Equities

November 29, 2022—According to a new joint study from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)...
News Release

BrightScope/ICI Data Show Employer Commitment to 401(k) Plan Saving

Employer contributions play a significant role in 401(k) plans, according to an updated study on...
News Release

Retirement Savers Continue Saving Despite Down Market in First Half of 2022

Retirement saving continued to be a strong focus for defined contribution (DC) plan participants...
News Release

Retirement Saving Remains a Priority to Start 2022

Retirement saving remained a key focus through the first quarter of 2022, with ICI research...